Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Since I forgot...

How come there hasn't been gigantic hype/disgust over Britney Spears' new "rap" song. Honest to God, play it side by side with K-Fed and you won't be able to tell which is worse.


"But I'm just Britney Spears and I've got all this power."

For comparison, refresh yourself with Kevin Federline's Brazilian ass-shaker: "Popozao."


Any thoughts on which one is better? Please remain objective, notwithstanding the fact that neither of them should have custody of a child, dog, or bowl of ice cream.

The Neverending Plague

The homeless are migrating. Today I was out for a drive on a GRAVEL COUNTRY ROAD to look at a crime scene. In the middle of the road was an incredibly old woman lying down. I thought she might be dead, so I stopped to get first dibs on any cash or valuables she might be carrying. But alas, she was just senile as hell and unable to walk very well. Foolishly, I agreed to give her a ride to the hospital, or someplace else that wasn't in the middle of a road. She promptly accepted and stepped into my ride.

I guess I should have known...absence of home, craving for change, increased recidivism rate...this 87 year old woman was HOMELESS. The threat multiplied when I realized she had an accent that wasn't American...and asked in broken English if I "sprechened zie Deutsche." Confronted with the realization that this woman was homeless, senile, and unable (due to age, facial hair and missing teeth) to fulfill my hot Jessica Alba-related hitchhiker fantasies, I pushed my mighty V-6 engine to the limits and dropped her at the courthouse, where surely some police officer could assist her with a friendly vagrancy arrest.

Wouldn't you know it, the homeless have allies! From the socialist country of wurker, the Social Workers have allied themselves with all scum of the world. Much like the good guys in GI Joe facing off against COBRA, I squared off for the assault. Immediately the stupid bitch greeted the homeless invader and demanded to know why I gave her a ride into town. Hindsight tells me I should have taken the Barry Gibb approach to confrontation and inquired: "Do you know who I am??? I will RUIN you!!" Instead I responded "She was laying in the middle of an unpaved road in the middle of the country, was confused, and asked for a ride to town." The dumb [fill in the blank] told me not to deal with things I'm not trained for.

Now if I may be serious for a moment, the woman needed some help. The weather, remote area, senility, and prone position in the middle of the road placed her at moderate risk of great bodily harm. Although I would have never helped a person in Madison in the same situation (because they'd only convert my sympathy into cash for Riley's), I think there were extinuating circumstances in this case. Mainly, not wanting to be responsible for her death by driving by and flaunting my status as an apartment rentor while I drank a mountain dew paid for with real paper money, not change. But I digress. The real point of this story is that I hate social workers. I didn't want a thank you, or a medal, or even a smile. All I wanted was $10,000 and a sandwich for risking my life transporting a dangerous poor person.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Things to do in Missouri

Some entreprenuers in Missouri have announced that they intend to turn a giant cave into an underground recreational area complete with shopping, scuba diving, ice skating, and even a photo booth. I'm always wary of caves because of the undesirable life forms that tend to dwell there. Below is a list of prominant cave residents that I don't like:

1. Osama Bin Laden
2. Jabba the Hut
3. Jason Voorhees' mother's head (but only in the Nintendo version of the Friday the 13th saga)
4. Spelunkers
5. Gollum
7. Batman
8. Batman Returns
9. Bears (both regular bears and polar bears, in ice caves...the Berenstein Bears are excluded because they live in a giant tree)
10. The Boxcar children (but only because Grandfather Alden got sick of them mooching and drove them from the boxcar into a cave...where they discovered a mystery)
11. Steve Guttenberg

As you can plainly see, caves don't have much to offer in the way of recreation, so I'm not sure what this Missouri dickhead sees in the recreational cave business. I for one, will be boycotting the cave mall/ice rink/lake. Who's with me?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Possibly the Greatest Thing I've Seen in Years

You all know that we're at war with animals...those bastards occupy our forests, live in our fishbowls and run out onto our highways. So, it just makes you shake your fists with rage/triumph whenever one of the good guys wins one for humanity:


In case you're wondering, that story is about a whale getting shot by a machine gun.