Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It's that time again and I thought I'd publicly post my New Year's Resolutions to give public pressure a chance to work in my favor.

1. Not get caught riding dirty.
2. End the year with a solid exit plan from the BRF.
3. Make all those who oppose me burn in the fires of a thousand suns.
4. Take a legitimate vacation.
5. Raise Maurice Gibb from the dead and reunite the Bee Gees in semi-zombie form.

All reasonable goals. We'll hold an evaluation about this time next year.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Possibly the worst parents on earth

Don't get me wrong, I'm giving mad props to the terrible parenting skills we all saw at the Florida mini-golf course a few years ago, but this has to take the recent cake in terms of the baddest mother since shaft.


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

What the muthafuck

So anyone who knows me also recognizes the fact that I have a massive superiority complex. Basically, I think I'm superior to everything I see, hear, smell, touch, taste or otherwise sense. And that sense of accomplishment is not undeserved, afterall, I can finish ANY sentence you start from Point Break. However, even if I were to lower my view of the world to more objective standards, I still think I'd believe the girl who constructively dumped me's new suitor is a giant douche.

Anyways, I was at the gym working the pythons (it's commonly known that any client moving within ten feet of me is guilty of being a felon in constructive possession of my guns) when I saw her running on the treadmill. I approached her and made awkward small talk (but not about Matthew McConaughey) and then he stood beside her. Picture this: light green faux hawk and a fairy blue t-shirt that says "SOCIAL WORKER: BECAUSE I CARE." Oh, he also cut off the sleeves. Even if he hadn't honed in on the girl I thought I was appropriately macking, I would have wanted to kick his ass. Some of you may recall a previous post where I described her friend's explanation by proxy, that "she had found someone better." Of course it had to be someone that I would have randomly lifted over my head and broken his back over my knee.

This begs the question, am I really that terrible of a catch where I lose a woman in the BRF to THAT?? Muthafucka.