Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The State of the Weekend

I was initially overjoyed at the news that my roommate would be gone from Friday through Monday. That meant that I could have the radio on as loud as I want, walk around naked, and not have to listen to his commentary on how I could better my life. His absence however resulted in a giant overflowing sink of rotting dishes, which I'm going to have to do in order to avoid the sensation of imminent vomiting every time I walk past. I've done the dishes literally the last eight times, and he always makes the excuse that he's busy preparing for work or planning his wedding, etc. And like a chump, I do the dishes. Not this time. He promised to do them by Wednesday. That rotting corpus of filth will be waiting for him upon his return and there is no way I'm backing down.

The weekend was not as relaxing as a weekend should be. I'm consumed with the job search and interviewing really takes alot out of me...it's like acting, only not fun. Plus, it looks like my prospects are alot bleaker than I would like and it's depressing to dress up, put on a smile and sit through a couple of hours with a firm you know you wouldn't really be happy with. I'm naturally prone to being a dreamer, and my sense of perfection has been enhanced by growing up in the "everybody's perfect" atmosphere America indoctrinates kids with. So I guess I'm still just hoping that the perfect life will come along and I'll be able to recognize it when it does. Maybe that's just an excuse for a lifestyle of crippling indecision, but I'm sticking with the belief that everyone is meant for something, someone, and somewhere. The somehow requires knowing what the dream was to begin with and being able to latch on.

Yesterday my sister called me with the news that my family was on their way to Madison (while en route to Missouri) and wanted to get together with my brother and I for dinner. Although it's nice to see the family, it's infinitely irritating to get a call hours before they arrive on a weekend and be expected to drop what I was doing to go see them. They brought my dog though, and it was worth the time for the moment of exhilerated joy she displayed when I walked unexpectedly through the door. That's why I love dogs more than any other animal: No matter what you're doing in life, how long you've been gone, or how bad you feel, they'll love you unconditionally. I needed that moment this weekend.

Anyways, I'm off to get some sleep. The coming week should prove just as arduous and I'll need my strength to make it through without going bonkers.


Blogger Johnny Utah said...

So I caved and did the dishes. He hasn't returned yet and the stench was unbearable. Now I'm really pissed.

10:32 PM  
Blogger Bluebunny said...

I have a similar feeling about dogs, they rock.

You should not have done the dishes. Your roommate is a tool.

12:59 PM  

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