Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Monday, December 18, 2006

If I was an astronaut...

So I generally follow the stories about space and shuttle missions pretty closely, mainly because I think it's interesting. While reading about the latest Discovery mission to the International Space Station (aka "AMERICA"), I finally figured out something I wouldn't like about being an astronaut. Apparently, every day Mission Control wakes the astronauts up by playing music over the shuttle's loudspeakers. Those astronauts have (1) no selection in the music, and (2) no way to hit the "snooze" button.

It would really piss me off to be forced to listen to something I didn't like in the morning. And when I get pissed/pumped, let's just say explosions happen. Although I'm pretty sure I would survive an explosion in space, and a reentry through the Earth's atmosphere, it's a certain fact that I would become even more irritated by the eight minutes or so it would take me to reenter the atmosphere without getting my coffee and bagel and have to take it out on the entire planet. However, I'm sure I would be considerably more irritated if Mission Control decided to beam up "Connie and Fish." Then, there would be no survivors, anywhere.

So it's revised: Instead of a billionaire kung-fu, NASCAR driving, elephant riding, wolf herding, babe mongering astronaut, I'll have to become something equally awesome. How about a lawyer? I only have one diploma privilege final left for that. There we have it, a homeless lawyer...all because Mission Control won't let me choose my own wakeup music.


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