Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Monday, December 11, 2006


It's been awhile since I've thought about animals, so here we go: Snakes.

*Doesn't that guy kind of look like Jim Doyle?


1. Snakes are native to Russia, France, and the Planet Snakeion.

2. Snakes can devour entire rabbits, cats, and dingos, but cannot finish the three meat combo with a side of extra meat at Famous Dave's.

3. Snakes, by themselves, constitute "concerted activity" under section seven of the National Labor Relations Act.

4. If a snake swallowed a flashlight, it could hover above it's prey at night, turn on the flashlight from inside it's stomach and attack. When it becomes clear to the victim that he/she is facing imminent death, the snake could say "go to the light," then finish the person off. This prospect has been known to make Superman pee his pants.

5. Snakes came about when Chuck Norris started biting the legs off of lizards.

6. You might think that a snake's favorite movie would be Snake Eyes with Nicolas Cage, or Cobra, with Sylvester Stallone, but you'd be wrong. Snakes overwhelmingly prefer Arnold Schwartzenegger's "Junior."

"I am sick and tired of these motherfucking snakes on my motherfucking plane!"


As you can tell, snakes are kind of like a killing machine. Although they do not have thumbs, like most killing machines (i.e. Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, gorillas, George Stephanopoulos), their ability to hiss, bite, slither, and play World of Warcraft seems to be unmatched. I personally do not like snakes...it might go back to that time when I was 4 and saw a giant anaconda emerge from a lake and kill my teacher. Snakes are notorious for being enablers...You tell people you're done drinking, but then the snake slithers up beside you and says "I bought shots," and guilts you into drinking them. Compared to the animal kingdom, snakes are crap. No scientist has ever found a snake that was also a dog. There's a reason that people have forced the snakes to live underground and in Britney Spears' music videos. Am I wrong?


Blogger Vice said...

I like the flashlight idea. That's pretty sweet.

Thist all seems pretty accurate, and I'm even seeing a biblical allusion to the snake persuading people to drink shots vs. persuading them to eat from the forbidden tree.

However, that would also make Laurence the devil.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Johnny Utah said...

Holy crap...some random computer in the library just had this page open...For the record, I was kidding about the whole original sin thing.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

You've hit the big time, my friend. Glad to see an animal review. I'm really looking forward to that review of women--that should be interesting. Especially to a rampant sexist like me.

2:02 PM  

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