Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


The votes are in and politics won out when Troy Smith was chosen to win the Heisman over John Stocco. It seems that my prophecy of Stocco winning the Heisman, the national championship, and then taking over for Favre at the Packers is not coming to fruition. Sadly, NCAA politics have robbed Stocco of his rightful place in Heisman history.

In other political news, I clicked on a news link today that said "study indicates more inmates on death row this year than in '05." The study "indicates?" It seems to me that all this study would have to do is COUNT the inmates on death row for each respective year. But then again, I'm not a scientist. Anytime the subject comes up I feel obliged to rant about what an ineffective, unjust, and sickening institution the death penalty is. I can't believe it's 2006 and governments still feel self-righteous enough to pass judgment on somebody's life. Not to mention juries get it wrong often enough to make the average person seriously question the adequacy of a verdict when dealing with something as permanent as death. Okay, rant over.

Finally, people on both sides of the aisle are bitching about NASA's plan to build a base on the moon. Personally, I don't mind the expense. Everything I hear about the environment nowadays seems to indicate we're trashing it at record rates. Not to mention we're running out of oil, raw materials, and Q-doba queso sauce. Eventually we're going to have to find our resources someplace else, or move to a completely different planet after we destroy Earth. Building a base on the moon seems like a logical first step to intergalactic travel. If anyone wants to take over a planet filled with little bear-like Ewok creatures, I'm down.


Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

You know, am I the only one who says that we should explore space for the sake of exploring space? Science is important, discovery is important, innovation is important. But, most important of all, I think, is expanding our horizons and learning more about how our universe works.

Yes, the billions of dollars spent on a moon base could be spent to help solve problems here on Earth, but we can't turn our backs on science. Who knows what kinds of incredible things we can discover if we keep pushing ourselves scientifically, and who knows what kind of positive effects those discoveries could have on the entire human race. So, I saw, bring on the moon base, the mission to mars, and the interstellar probes. Let's fucking do this shit!

2:53 PM  
Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

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2:54 PM  
Blogger Johnny Utah said...

Interstellar probe this.

5:25 PM  
Blogger RPM said...

1. Stocco's reign will be in the NFL. This will be like Manning/Leaf. Who should the crappiest team (Raiders or Lions) take with the first pick? Troy Smith, this year's Ryan Leaf. Then GB can steal Stocco and ride off in the glorious sunset.

2. Sadly the study doesn't indicate whether it is lazy research or merely lazy word usage.

3. I'm down for scientific exploration. I think that we have to make space travel faster and more efficient before we go about it. I want a design breakthrough, not massive clunky bases or wars of choice or business subsidies.

I'm not sure what a lunar base would do for us. It would be expensive, yet still in a place we've already gone. If we want to study the moon, fine, send a remote-controlled rover or two there. It seems like this is a baby step to a base on Mars. Why not build a better spaceship that can reasonably transport the amount of resources necessary? At least Mars has substances that could theoretically be used by those that land there. The moon has, well, moon rocks. Not that there's anything wrong with studying undisturbed impact craters...

Also, does anyone remember the tiles we have to worry about with current shuttles? If we don't build a vessel that can reliably withstand entry into an atmosphere, what is the point? Interstellar probe that, my good reporter.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Vice said...

I'm all for space exploration, but we have to be prepared to deal with the consequences. In other words, we need to start keeping glasses of water all over the place so that when the aliens from Signs arrive and start fucking up our crops, we can splash them with water and scare them back to whatever crappy dust rock in the sky they came from. Dirty aliens, tek ur jabs.

9:31 AM  

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