Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Things that Piss me off About Connie and Fish

Alright, I hate the Z104 morning show, which is exactly why it stays on my clock radio: I'm usually so enraged after fifteen seconds that I bolt from my slumber ready to kill. However, after this morning I think I rose to a new level of pissed/pumped.

They were discussing the recent school shootings and concluded that the following was the only way to stop the violence: (1) Guards at every school door, (2) metal detectors at the doors, (3) random searches of multiple lockers daily, and (4) monitoring email, phones, and letters to detect threats of violence, and (5) taking away guns, and (6) punishing this kid badly as an adult. Then one of their stupid ass callers explained that kids couldn't be safe because lawyers prevented all of this with "frivolous lawsuits." And they agreed with her.

I admit that I've acquired a certain superiority complex after attending law school. Afterall, most laypeople (we call them "normies") are morons. However, I'd like to think that in the wake of the 9/11 governmental hysteria, we all would have learned a little something about protecting people's liberties. It pissed me off to no limit to hear these douchebags discussing spending millions of dollars on suspicionless searches, as if our society would be so much better afterwards. I wanted to call in so they could feel the full weight of a massive cockslap, but I have a feeling I would have been cut off after the first 18 "fucks." This is how things start, first we search lockers, then we monitor email, then we approve of warrantless wiretaps on telephone calls. next thing we know, King George will be waltzing through our door and demanding that we quarter his soldiers and there won't be a thing we can do about it.

I think my latest rant embodies one of the few major complaints I have about Madison. People here are all about free speech and individual rights until they don't like what's being said. I hear alot of talk about the bill of Rights and how Bush is violating it, but those critics tend to gloss over the right to bear arms and the right of the states to make moral calls in legislation. People are all about free speech until it's a Nazi rally...then we shouldn't have issued them a permit [Note: I do not endorse the Nazi party, but I defend their right to speech and assembly]. Here it's alright to vote, so long as it's not for Bush. When the Constitution becomes selective to the popular will, we come dangerously close to the perils our founding fathers sought to avoid, and these morons on the Z104 morning show perpetuate the attitude that individual liberties should bow to being PC. Oh and here's something I left out: People have a Constitutional right to a Defense!! Let's save the lynching for after the conviction.

Plus, everyone on that show thinks they're hilarious. There's nothing doucheier than laughing at your own mediocre jokes for five minutes. When I laugh at my mediocre jokes, it's over in fifteen seconds. Finally, the worst thing in the world is waking up to another beautiful day, then having your first seconds of consciousness pierced by "London Bridge." Fuck those fuckers.


Blogger RPM said...

Johnny Utah, a man for all seasons. Don't give up the fight against stupids.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

Mr. Utah, I must agree. It's so fucking easy to say that we can solve the world's problems if we just start forgetting about civil rights. And it's true - I bet that there was very little crime in the world of 1984. But that's not a trade off I'm willing to make. I doubt any of these people are.

You also have to look at who's saying we should take away civil rights, and who they want to take those rights away from. It's easy to say that we should be allowed to endlessly detain suspected terrorists, i.e., those that have not been convicted, when those terrorists are Muslims or "Muslim-looking" and you're a WASPed-out guy from Denver. Similarly, it's easy to say that schools should be turned into police states whe you graduated 15 years ago.

Finally, this sort of thinking misses the point. The issue isn't that there aren't enough metal detectors or random searches - if a kid is dead-set on killing people at his school, it's going to happen. The issue here is that there are children who want to do this. If we want to stop school shootings, and we all do, we have to find out why kids in the 21st century are homicidal maniacs.

The question we have to face is much more difficult and requires a much more nuanced approach. As always, the idiots are advocating some simplistic, boilerplate solution that, if implemented, would change the nature of the problem but not solve it.

In short, fuck Connie and Fish. And what the fuck kind of a name is "Fish," anyway?

1:46 AM  
Blogger Johnny Utah said...

Thank you. I've always claimed that if somebody really wanted to kill a person, it could be done no matter what the security. I'm not going to suggest what could happen due to the fear that my little website may be monitored right now, but yeah, it could happen. We just need to take those hostile to others and win their hearts and minds, just like we did in Vietnam.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Johnny Utah said...

So let me get this straight...Jessica Biel is hot, too cheap to pass on a quarter on the street AND she can unleash a roundhouse kick??

You're right, I'm in love.

6:20 PM  

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