Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Monday, October 16, 2006

My Superiority Complex

I know I already commented once today, but sometimes you are confronted with monumental stupidity, you have to shout it out to the world.

I was volunteering my two hours a semester (i.e. resume builder) at the Unemployment Appeals Clinic and a potential "client" walked in. She was upset because she had been fired for drinking on the job, using profanity with customers, and consistently showing up late. I was explaining to her why her appeal was unlikely to succeed. A Kaplan-esque gentleman sat down at the table next to me and interjected comments about how all supervisors exaggerate and she should litigate this. I politely asked him who the fuck he thought he was and he mumbled something about being a lawyer. Then he somehow got sidetracked on Bush and how he made it impossible for good people to keep a job and how the war on Iraq is causing unemployment. Needless to say, this sounded like a certain idiot in one of my classes (you all know who I'm talking about) and I declined to ask him how that was relevant to anything at all. In fact, I was tempted to begin barking like a dog, because that would have made more sense.

In order to avoid a scene, I declined to inform him that he should help himself to a fucking legal book, because he was sounding like a fucking retard. In a room full of 1Ls who had never done this before, he spent 45 minutes watching and critiquing me. Needless to say, I was offended that I garnered three times the observation that the "new guy" 1Ls received. I really felt like one of those dancing bears everyone was pointing at behind glass walls. Only in this case a neo-Leonard Kaplan was pointing at me. It's amazing how experienced attorneys can sound like complete morons. Then this guy gave me his business card and told me to email him with my plans for these clients. TOLD ME, as in "mandate." Johnny Utah does not believe in taking orders from people he cannot respect. I intend to farm these people out to eager 1Ls, so the only time I will have to email this guy is if the attachment is 45 pounds of C4 explosives.

So what's the moral of the story? If you're not an expert, don't act like one, because people like me will talk shit about you behind your back on the internet. Take THAT.


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