Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Yeah, well the jerk store called and they're all out of you

I had an interesting encounter at the Madison city building when I went to get my parking permit yesterday. Deep down, I know that most city workers are overworked and underappreciated, but when that turns into unwarranted aggression, it's on.

I get to the counter and hand the guy my mail-in renewal form. He looks at me and says "so let me guess, you didn't bring any of the required materials" in a really sarcastic tone. I responded "Well, the mail-in form didn't require them and it's not expired yet." Then he looks at me and says "well this isn't the mail service is it? Apparently you haven't learned that in college yet." At that point, I gave serious thought to killing this insolent fuck and then marching to his supervisor's office and demand that they fire his corpse. Instead, we got into an argument, the main point being that his office processes all of the mail-in renewals and since I had the customized mail-in form, it had all of the indicia of reliability and I should be granted a permit.

He continued to persist that I needed a lease, registration, and proof of insurance before I would be issued a parking permit. I didn't even bother with the fact that Wisconsin drivers don't need insurance. Then he told me that there are lots of people out there who steal mail/documents in order to fraudulently obtain parking permits. Apparently, he was calling me a liar, thief, or both. Anyways, our dispute attracted a supervisor who gave me a parking permit. Ten minutes later, problem solved.

Throughout the whole thing, this guy was avoiding any constructive solutions and concentrated solely on showing the undergrad girls in line how witty he was. Hasn't the world learned from Seinfeld? One-liners constructed solely for revenge will only lead to disaster. At least I didn't have to go nuclear on him like George Costanza: "Yeah, well I had sex with your wife."


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