Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fucking Diane Collins/random X-Men observation


The title of this post does not refer to "fucking Diane Collins" with the same meaning that a post from Vice would have if it were titled "Fucking Cheryl Weston." That being said, let's move on.

So some of you may have had the fortune of meeting local UW Law School uber-bitch Diane Collins. For those that don't know, she's a secretary of some variety at the Remington Center. I intended to write this earlier, but my rage was momentarily diverted by the douchebag and his posse that parked in my driveway. But now the rage is back.

Diane Collins and I have never gotten along, seeing as how she has always seen it fit to respond to my simple requests with an endless stream of bitching, and closing the argument by transforming into a creature from hell and devouring my soul. It's alot like that scene in Ghostbusters I where Louis is transformed into an evil dog who serves the evil demigod Gozer and furthers her sinister designs on the world.

Anyways, I was returning to school a couple days ago and nearly bump into her in the hall. I say "nearly" because at no point did I actually make physical contact with her. Nevertheless, she pivots, scowls, and lets out an exaggerated sigh that conveyed to the world the extreme hatred she harbors towards hazards like myself.

I now have a new mission in life. I shall get all 95's on all of my future exams. In fact, the UW will have to invent a new grade category for me to accomodate my truly remarkable brilliance. Then, I will get a job as a professor at the UW law school, and move up until I get to be Dean. Then I will fire Diane Collins. Then I'll rehire her, and fire her again. Then I'll digitally remaster Jabba the Hut into Star Wars Episode One.

On a completely unrelated note, in X-Men I, if Xavier knew that Magneto's helmut was blocking his telepathy, why didn't he simply yank it off when he was controlling Sabertooth's hand grasping Magneto's throat? Chuck Norris would have thought of that before making the movie.


Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

Isn't Gozer in Ghostbusters II? I know for a fact that's the one with Sigourney Weaver. And I'm 90% certain that's the second one. Is that the same one where they take one of those big controllers for the original Nintendo Entertainment System and throw a bunch of goop onto the Statue of Liberty and make it walk down the New York streets? Or am I getting the two mixed up?

And, also, howcome Slimer was cute and cuddly on the cartoons but evil in the movies? What the fuck?

12:17 AM  
Blogger Johnny Utah said...

NO no no no no. Gozer was in Ghostbusters one. You're thinking of the Viking God dude that lived in the painting for Ghostbusters II.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Vice said...

I concur with Utah. Gozer was in the first one. Sigourney Weaver was in BOTH movies. Although you're right about the Statue of Liberty stuff, that was all in the second one.

And as for Slimer...he wasn't THAT evil. Sure, he ate a lot of shit and pissed people off, but so do you and Laurence. And I don't consider either of you evil.

8:26 AM  

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