Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sad song mix

Normally I'm not the type of person into "sad" music, primarily because I lack that part of the brain that creates feelings. However, I've had a whole week of feeling incredibly guilty/responsible/pissed for what happened to the gentleman, infra. So in response, I've substituted my normal regime of speed metal, hardcore rap (Will Smith) and assorted disco for a more melancholy mix of tunes to match the predominant mood in the house of Utah. In no particular order, here's a list of what I consider to be some of the saddest music of our time.

1. Message -Bee Gees.
-Okay, everyone knew that at least one Bee Gees song would make the list. The content of the song (i.e. "One more hour and my life will be through") lends itself very well to a sense of desperation.

2. The Scientist - Coldplay.
-For the umpteenth time, I think Coldplay is a decent band.

3. Hiding Behind the Moon - Jeff Hanson.
-I'm not actually sure what this song is about since I haven't listened to the lyrics. I downloaded it post Nip/Tuck episode three...it was stuck in my head after the lesbian scene. But this guy has a falsetto that puts Barry Gibb himself to shame.

4. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
-This one is on everyone's list.

5. Girl from the North Country - Bob Dylan
-Say what you want about this raspy alcoholic...the man knows self-pity.

6. The Freshman - Verve Pipe
-Something about abortion...wait shouldn't this be a happy tune for a high school freshman? Dodged that bullet!

7. The Luckiest - Ben Folds
-This one has some sentimental value to me...and as you know, I am one sentimental motherfucker (Go '91 Twins, Kirby Puckett rules!!) If you listen to the lyrics, it's actually pretty upbeat, but with a painful melody,

8. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm - Crash Test Dummies
-Girl with birthmarks, Quakers, kid who was in a car accident that turned his hair from dark into a presumably gay-looking white; all with a clever yet tearful chorus you'd expect to hear played in those emotional moments when Ross and Rachel broke up or when Cavemen aired its final episode.

9. In a little while - U2
-It's a beautiful song; even though Bono is a giant douche.

10. All I Know - Art Garfunkel
-Arguably the lesser half of Simon and Garfunkel spun out a massive hit with this one that just so happens to have been played on the final episode of season 2 of Nip/Tuck right as the carver slashes up Christian. My eyes well up with liquid gunpowder-based fluid everytime I hear this song.

Since I only budgeted room for ten selections, eleventh place Pimp Juice - Nelly - will have to wait until my next bout of self-pity.


Blogger Unknown said...

Your absolutely horrible taste in music notwithstanding, I actually really like some of the songs on your list. I really like "The Freshmen," for example. And "The Scientist" pretty much ruled my life for a few months because I was really sad and it was also really sad, but then I sort of burned myself out on it and now I don't really listen to it anymore. And, of course, "Hallelujah" is fucking amazing. And, actually, I don't love that Crash Test Dummies song, but I don't hate it, either.

As for your contention that Garfunkel is "arguably" the lesser half of Simon & Garfunkel, you are an idiot. He is clearly, absolutely, the lesser half.

But the point is that you shouldn't feel bad because the system screwed your client, man.

10:03 AM  
Blogger Vice said...

You know, about 8 years ago I tried putting together a mix of sad songs, as I was pretty morose for a little while. I can't remember why now. But what I do remember is that it's damn difficult to put together a mix of sad gangsta rap songs. Instead of helping me revel in my sadness, it just made me pimp slap somebody.

Though, to be fair, I get the same reaction to most any music.

8:56 PM  

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