Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Lights, camera, Utah!

Well, yours truly Johnny Utah made his TV debut today. Unfortunately it was as counsel to a man who just got a decade of prison. The charge? Being hispanic in a white county. Motherfucking Judge jumped the recommendations of two PSI's by seven years and the State by three. It was an honest to God disgrace...all the Judge and prosecutor could do was talk about how "he had no right to be on American roads." Nevermind the fact that the "good samaritan" he ran over was himself trying to cover up the OWI accident of his son, who happened to have a blood alcohol level twice that of my client. Nevermind the fact that my client has never had so much as a parking ticket in his life and was the goddamn citizen of the year for his kindness and generosity. Nevermind the fact that the "victim" set up a scene so reckless that the State Trooper accident investigator said it was "so reckless, any driver, intoxicated or not could have been involved." Nope, he got a sentence harsher than an OWI drag racer who killed three people and much harsher than the Clerk of Court's son who killed one and had a BAC of .4 (he got a year of jail).

It's days like this where I lose faith in the legal system and myself. I had the fate of a good man in my hands and in one way or another I failed him. Now his family is without a provider and the community as a whole is poorer. But the Judge will win another election amid media heat that he's soft on drunk drivers and "illegals." I almost got punched in the face for my honest yet insensitive comments to the "victim's" family in the parking lot, but I feel better at this point. The loyalty to my client is cemented for one reason or another and for some sickening reason I feel good about emotionally scarring those bastards and their righteous indignation. Lucky they caught me on camera before the incident...my hair was a little messed up afterwards.

Still, I looked damn good on camera.


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