Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Prom Night in the O.C.

HO-LY SHIT! How incredible was the O.C. tonight? Anna Stern returns to the O.C. to take Cohen to prom. There are those among us who really think that Cohen should have ended up with Anna long term. She's smart, independent, funny, and hot. Very hot. I knew the Ryan Atwood/Kevin Volchok fight was coming, but seeing it blew me away. Ryan potentially killed Volchok, and left him to die. Ring any bells from season one? Hello!? Atwood v. Luke Ward before they became friends! The irony is astounding.

Speaking of astounding irony, Sandy Cohen. He's always been the good guy, the one everyone can look up to for moral guidance. He took over Caleb Nichol's business and now he's slowly turning into the corrupt businessman. In the past few episodes we've seen Sandy ignore his family, destroy evidence, bribe witnesses, and now he's under criminal investigation. Wow, things are heating up in the O.C.! And now JULIE COOPER has become the moral compass of the O.C. I imagine this was what it was like on Earth a million or so years ago when the magnetic poles reversed themselves, because that is what is happening on the O.C.

I was glad that the writers avoided getting Ryan and Theresa back together...one baby scare is all we needed out of them. I also thought it was funny that Summer's Korean pop star prom date was from a band "Big Korea." For those of you that don't know, in real life, Seth Cohen is the drummer for a band called "Big Japan." Another reason why the O.C. is such a fantastic show, is you have to keep up with the real life of the actors in order to understand some of the jokes in the show. Incredible. The previews look too good to be real...Marissa tries out the Brittney Spears "Hit me Baby One More Time" look, Cohen gets arrested, Kirsten falls off the wagon, Atwood may be a murderer, Sandy Cohen appears to be in deep shit. The suspense is killing me, only in the O.C.!


Blogger Ismael Tapia II said...

You know that thing that happens sometimes where you puke, but you catch it in your mouth, and then you have to swallow it back down? yeah, that just happened to me.

You are an amazing man, Mr. Utah. And by "amazing," i mean "gay."

9:32 PM  
Blogger Johnny Utah said...

If by "gay" you mean "NOT gay," then you are correct. I challenge all the O.C. haters out there to watch one episode and then still call it bad. It's like herion, one time use and you're addicted (like Marissa on the O.C. is to cocaine).

9:51 PM  

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