Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

My motivation has been sucked dry. By the prostitute of distraction. Legal Process is such a bullshit class, yet I'm still required to write a 20-page paper. The professor knows full well that every single answer he receives is going to be filled with nothing but bullshit. Except for maybe the tool to my far left, and the cardiologist across the room. But those guys are douchebags, and anyone who provides a thoughtful answer on theoretical jurisprudence obviously can't provide a thoughtful answer on actual practical law. I'm fairly certain that Kaplan would get a much better paper from me if the topic were "Battledome" or "How Who's the Boss is Still Relevant in my life" or even "Correlations between NASA missions, publicity, and Congressional action." (Guess which one was the title of my undergrad thesis?) I wish I were a genius so I could invent a time machine, go back in time, meet Hegel, give him a flashlight (because I imagine that old-fashioned people would be immensely impressed by this), and tell him to write the following: "Leonard Kaplan is a gigantic douchebag." THEN I would have a great paper to write for Legal Process.


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