Utah, Get Me Two

Badassedry at its finest, I dedicate this site to Gary Busey's performance as Angelo Pappas in Point Break. An absolutely phenomenal movie that I try to live my life by.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring break kicked ass...although most accounts of it are widely exaggerated. Particularly the comments about me puking and pretty much everything I said. Two words: Objection, hearsay. But overall, I had an awesome time.

I returned to Wisconsin and slept for about 12 hours, on my birthday. On that note, I'm now 25 years old. I can run for Congress. How awesome/badass is that? The next day I arose bright and early to go to the ghetto and dispense free legal services. Apparently my supervisor had not checked the voicemail as promised over break, and I had about thirteen thousand and four messages. All of my clients, former clients, prospective clients, people I spoke to briefly on the phone, and Macully Culkin are apparently pissed at me. I patronized several of them, yelled at many more, listened to some obviously crazy people and killed Macully. That's for Home Alone.

The entire time my supervisor was apparently elsewhere, because she clearly didn't file the things I asked her to file, she agreed to file and NEEDED to be filed over spring break. Guess it's my fault now. On the upside, I'm getting used to pissing off the judges early on. Bringing a live tiger to court later on won't seem like such a big deal.

It never fails to amaze me how demanding clients are. Not to glorify myself, actually TO glorify myself, they're getting damn good legal services at the unbeatable cost of free. Try finding a lawyer willing to spend 40 hours a week on a small claims case, odds are, you won't find one. Yet, I get clients calling night and day, TELLING me how things are going to be, and assuming if things don't go perfectly, that it's due to incompetence on my part. Resolved: When I'm a lawyer, I'm only going to represent rich, morally sound, cheerful, and compliant clients. Anyways, it's back to the grind for me...the next few weeks will be "go time" every day.


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